2.10 A POINT

2.10.1 Unless the rally is a let, a player shall score a point… if an opponent fails to make a correct service; if an opponent fails to make a correct return; if, after he or she has made a service or a return, the ball touches anything other than the net assembly before being struck by an opponent; if the ball passes over his or her court or beyond his or her end line without touching his or her court, after being struck by an opponent; if the ball, after being struck by an opponent, passes through the net or between the net and the net post or between the net and playing surface; if an opponent obstructs the ball; if an opponent deliberately strikes the ball more than once in succession; if an opponent strikes the ball with a side of the racket blade whose surface does not comply with the requirements of 2.4.3, 2.4.4 and 2.4.5; if an opponent, or anything an opponent wears or carries, moves the playing surface; if an opponent, or anything an opponent wears or carries, touches the net assembly; if an opponent’s free hand touches the playing surface; if a doubles opponent strikes the ball out of the sequence established by the first server and first receiver; as provided under the expedite system (2.15.4). if both players or pairs are in a wheelchair due to a physical disability and his or her opponent does not maintain a minimum contact with the seat or cushion(s), with the back of the thigh, when the ball is struck; his or her opponent touches the table with either hand before striking the ball; his or her opponent’s footrest or foot touches the floor during play. if, where an opposing doubles pair includes at least one player in a wheelchair, any part of the wheelchair or a foot of a standing player crosses an imaginary extension of the center line of the table

2.11 A GAME

2.11.1 A game shall be won by the player or pair first scoring 11 points unless both players or pairs score 10 points, when the game shall be won by the first player or pair subsequently gaining a lead of 2 points.

2.12 A MATCH

2.12.1 A match shall consist of the best of any odd number of games.

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