The latest news of the SCTTC and the world of table tennis.
If you are a club member and would like to post a table tennis related announcement, please contact Ray.
Africa Cup Final 2022
I don’t typically post full professional matches, but this is unusually fun with a sad ending. Amazing crowd.
Parking issue on 5/17 + Closure next week
The Portuguese hall is repaving the parking lot on Tuesday 5/17, so please park on the road and walk in. Things should be normal by Thursday.
The club will be closed next week on both 5/24 and 5/26.
WTT Feeder Fremont | May 3 – May 8 | Extended Entry update
Just saw that it is still possible to enter the competition through today, 4/20, but I couldn’t find details.
WTT Feeder Fremont | May 3 – May 8
Too late to enter the competition now, but tickets are available. Best part is that it’s happening in Fremont. We don’t yet know the competitors list, but USA Olympian, Lily Zhang, will be there (it’s at Table Tennis America, her club).
Health benefits of ping pong
Top 10 Points WTT Contender Doha 2022
Top 10 Points from Singapore Smash 2022
SCTTC becomes a non-profit corporation
Finally! We are now officially a Non-Profit Corporation!
For the first time, this means that contributions are tax deductible!
Why would you donate? To help the club thrive and also improve our playing conditions. Some ideas: we could buy more ball baskets and picker-uppers, fence off areas balls disappear into/under, purchase more club shirts, provide tournament level balls for every table, maybe open another day, etc.
If you would like to donate, please write donation checks to Santa Cruz County Table Tennis Club, Inc. and help keep our wonderful club going strong! Checks can be given to club officers, Debbie, Jim or Ray.
Thank you, players!
It is required that we send donation acknowledgment letters to donors who give a gift of $250 or
more, but in order to encourage donations, we will send donation acknowledgment letters to
donors who give a gift of $50 or more.
South Korean “table tennis entertainment show”, All Table Tennis!
I think this might be the first completely TT-related TV show. Click links with “SUB” for English subtitles.
SCTTC is now on YouTube
Due to the low quality of Instagram video and the challenges of posting it in the photo/video section of the site, I have begun posting a weekly collection of my favorite rallies I witnessed. If anyone has other videos of rallies I missed, please contact me. If you want to see the videos in the full resolution and/or subscribe, check out the new SCTTC channel. Remember that you can click the icon to change the speed. We will use the Instagram feed mainly for photos. The first video is up from 1/18/2022.