The latest news of the SCTTC and the world of table tennis.
If you are a club member and would like to post a table tennis related announcement, please contact Ray.
Ball used in international competitions
With some help from another table tennis player, I’ve learned that because of sponsorship, most major national and international competitions (some of 2019 & most of 2020) used or are using DHS 3-star D40+. This includes the 2020 Olympics. Butterfly is the official table –
Top 10 Points | German Open 2020
Table Tennis Evolution 1930-2019
Top 10 Points of International Table Tennis 2019
Happy New Year!
Table tennis ball weight
Sorry for the geekiness of this, but I wondered about the weight of the “new” plastic balls. Mainly, are the Nittaku heavier than the Butterfly? So, I grabbed a friend’s calibrated scale and did some comparisons.
First, the ITTF requirements
The official rules state that the ball shall weigh 2.7g, but any weight between 2.67 and 2.77g is acceptable for any one ball. No more than 1 ball out of the 24 sampled may be outside this range. The sample mean must be between 2.69 and 2.76g.
Second, the data
My data is based on weighing 3 balls of each brand, then doing a mean. So, yes, I have a smaller quantity sample (ITTF requirements are based on 24 balls), but I’m guessing that my random three balls measurement is representative. All balls were within the mean, so the weight difference between the balls is pretty damn small. All 40+.
Butterfly: 2.739g
Nittaku: 2.710g
DHS white: 2.755g
Andro: 2.747g
DHS orange: 2.714g
Not only was I wrong, but the Nittaku were the lightest of all.
Club member Debbie won at Swan Warriors December Open 2019
Congrats to Debbie! She was the Champion in the USATT Under 1100 Singles. This was at the Swan competition in Sunnyvale last weekend. Maybe next time we can get some video!
Top 10 Points | Hinrunde 2019-20
German commentary, but fun points.
Club member Paco, heads for the island life
Two upcoming competitions in the Bay Area
2019 SWAN Warriors December Open
(December 7-8, 2019)
$3,000 Prize Money
Registration Deadline Extended To: Wednesday, November 27, 2019
75 Players Registered
USA Table Tennis 2-Star Sanctioned Tournament
Contact: Meng-Yu Wang, , 217-377-9326
Venue: Swan Ping Pong, 1257 Tasman Dr, Ste. C, Sunnyvale, CA, 94089
Entry Form:
2019 Ultimate Fieldhouse December Open
(Sat, Dec 14)
2019 Ultimate Fieldhouse Year-End Open
(Sun, Dec 29)
Walnut Creek, CA – 2-Star
$400 Total Prize Money
Register Online Here:
Sat, Dec 14 Entry Form:
Sun, Dec 29 Entry Form:
Thanks to Harvey Gotliffe for sending me this info.
How to “Snake”
From Adam Bobrow…