
The latest news of the SCTTC and the world of table tennis.

If you are a club member and would like to post a table tennis related announcement, please contact Ray.

Donate items for Portuguese Hall auction

We are all grateful to the Portuguese Hall for letting us use their space for our Club.

The Hall is having an auction to raise money for repairs and has asked us for donations. Please donate anything you can.

These are the things they will find most useful:

  • Checks made payable to: CPDES
  • Pottery
  • Vases
  • Jewelry
  • Children’s toys and games
  • Knick-knacks
  • Things your grandmother might have made, such as crocheted items
  • Anything that might sell at an auction
  • [No clothing please]

Debbie has brought in a bin for donations by the front door. If it’s a check, please give to Jim.

