Club notice
Donate items for Portuguese Hall auction
We are all grateful to the Portuguese Hall for letting us use their space for our Club.
The Hall is having an auction to raise money for repairs and has asked us for donations. Please donate anything you can.
These are the things they will find most useful:
- Checks made payable to: CPDES
- Pottery
- Vases
- Jewelry
- Children’s toys and games
- Knick-knacks
- Things your grandmother might have made, such as crocheted items
- Anything that might sell at an auction
- [No clothing please]
Debbie has brought in a bin for donations by the front door. If it’s a check, please give to Jim.
Round-robin SCTTC happening 4/20/2023
Thanks to Dave and Jim, there will be another round-robin competition at the club tonight. Those not wanting to compete will still have tables to play at. For more info, talk to Dave Bergevin.
Club closed 6/28 and 6/30
Club is closed both Tuesday, June 28 and Thursday, June 30.
Parking issue on 5/17 + Closure next week
The Portuguese hall is repaving the parking lot on Tuesday 5/17, so please park on the road and walk in. Things should be normal by Thursday.
The club will be closed next week on both 5/24 and 5/26.
SCTTC becomes a non-profit corporation
Finally! We are now officially a Non-Profit Corporation!
For the first time, this means that contributions are tax deductible!
Why would you donate? To help the club thrive and also improve our playing conditions. Some ideas: we could buy more ball baskets and picker-uppers, fence off areas balls disappear into/under, purchase more club shirts, provide tournament level balls for every table, maybe open another day, etc.
If you would like to donate, please write donation checks to Santa Cruz County Table Tennis Club, Inc. and help keep our wonderful club going strong! Checks can be given to club officers, Debbie, Jim or Ray.
Thank you, players!
It is required that we send donation acknowledgment letters to donors who give a gift of $250 or
more, but in order to encourage donations, we will send donation acknowledgment letters to
donors who give a gift of $50 or more.
SCTTC is now on YouTube
Due to the low quality of Instagram video and the challenges of posting it in the photo/video section of the site, I have begun posting a weekly collection of my favorite rallies I witnessed. If anyone has other videos of rallies I missed, please contact me. If you want to see the videos in the full resolution and/or subscribe, check out the new SCTTC channel. Remember that you can click the icon to change the speed. We will use the Instagram feed mainly for photos. The first video is up from 1/18/2022.
Welcome back Thursdays!
Things are starting to look a bit more normal for the SCTTC! Starting next week, April 22, the club will be open on Thursdays again. This is extra exciting for those of us that might have gained some weight over the pandemic year.
Another bit of normality returns… doubles! Starting next week, doubles is OK for those who are fully-vaccinated only. We won’t be checking, so this is a honor system sort of thing. For those who aren’t vaccinated yet*, get to it and be patient. Doubles players should still stick to physical distancing (when possible) and avoid contact. Until everyone is vaccinated, please read the info board at the entrance to the club and follow the rules.
* My suggestion is go through CVS and look for appointments to show up after midnight (the actual appointments will be during the day).
Limited Club Opening Starting November 10!
Exciting news that we’ve all been waiting for… thanks to Santa Cruz County moving to Orange Level on the COVID-19 ratings, we can now open once a week (Tuesdays). Usual hours 6-11pm. Please read the list of rules below and on the new sign when you arrive at the club. The club could use donations of wipes and hand sanitizer, so please bring extra if you can. There is a limit to the occupancy of the room based on County guidelines, but hopefully we won’t need to prevent anyone from playing.
Playing rules
- No side switching during matches
- No hand shaking after matches
- Know that you are handling the ball – keep it away from your face
- Mask optional when playing
October 2 Update
Still not much to tell. County gyms were given the OK to open at limited capacity, but there is also a new spike in cases. Stay tuned….